SAT exam strategies

SAT exam strategies
  • March 12 2021
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IA – When taking any exam in addition to mastering knowledge, students also need to have an exam strategy to save time and get good results, there is no exception for SAT exam. But what are SAT exam strategies?

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Reading – Writing section

With the latest SAT exam structure, Reading and Writing sections are combined and organized into 2 parts.

SAT exam strategies for Reading are you should skim the entire essay to get an overview and do not try to understand new words that you do not know. Then you read each question, highlight the keywords in the question and read carefully the relevant paragraph. You also need to pay attention to synonyms or negative words to avoid being fooled and do not forget to check the answer again to avoid errors.

Writing section includes sentence correction tests in the essay, therefore you have to know the meaning of many different words to understand the main idea of ​​the sentence and consider the context to determine if words are appropriate. The most important is the grammar, if you do not master the different types of grammar, you will be confused when choosing the answer for this section.

SAT exam preparation center in HCM city

SAT exam preparation center in HCM city

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Math section

This section includes the use of a calculator and no use of a calculator. The new SAT focuses on algebra with practical situations, graphs, and statistics. There are also some grid-in questions, you must analyze and explain how to come up with answers.

When receiving the exam, you should prioritize solving the easy questions first, then focus on the more advanced ones. When you read the questions, you need to define the format, note method, and formulas related to the questions. For some questions you need to look carefully at the answers, especially paying attention to the differences between the answers, sometimes it is the “key” to your answer. The unit of measure is also an important part to keep in mind when getting into the exam. 

SAT tutors in HCM city

SAT tutors in HCM city

For more: Difficulties in learning SAT vocabulary

Essay section

You need to make an outline, write down ideas, examples related to the topic, then arrange them according to a reasonable layout. You should focus on developing the main idea, giving evidence to persuade, should not write long words that easily lead to off-topic, rambling or difficult sentences. You also need to allocate the last 5 – 10 minutes to check grammar and spelling. These are effective SAT exam strategies that help keep your exam tight and avoid common mistakes.

For more: Math in English

Intertu Academy is enrolling potential students for Math in English, Science in English, English in Key Stage 1-2-3, Cambridge Checkpoint, IGCSE, A-level, IB, SAT… For inquiries, please contact us directly or via email or hotline.